Deep understanding of HBIC One Piece hero —— metauniverse under the play to earn card pioneer

One Piece Hero is an NFT set card TCG game set in the nautical conquest story.The application of the most popular NFT concept, the game and DeFi revenue farming perfect integration, so that players can get rich profits in the game while the chain.
Players can get the game’s hero characters by purchasing or collecting various NFT hero blind box card packs, and can also earn HBIC digital token by participating in DeFi revenue farming through the card slot system, and players can also sell and buy NFT heroes at the trading fair to pay for HBIC digital token.
Players have a growth system borrowed from the cartoon: including ordinary captain, new star captain, seven Wuhai, four emperors, five old stars, the higher the level, the higher the bonus given, the higher the upper limit of digital wealth mined.The game combines the features of traditional games and blockchain games, providing a passionate game experience for ordinary players who want to enjoy the games, and an NFT ecosystem for players who want to collect and trade NFT.One Piece Hero is not only a game for the blockchain players, but also a game that can introduce countless traditional players to the blockchain.


essential information
Token name: HBIC
Token type: BSC20
Application public chain: BNB, Polygon
Token contract: 0x2070f18e6391739ecaa2568f3778e08482586fc3

Basic concept of the game
HBIC-One Piece Hero This game is a set card experience value mining game, the higher the experience value, the more digital token of the mining acquisition.Different from other ordinary games, One Piece Hero has added the NFT card elements on the blockchain and the DeFi features, making it a real NFT GameFi, namely the NFT + Game + DeFi concept.And has the value of NFT collection appreciation, and has the ability of Game, but also can earn increasing D B I C digital token through the DeFi attributes in the game.
Basic gameplay
Players consume the game digital token to buy a blind box card package, open the card package to randomly obtain the NFT One Piece character card.By upgrading the card, slot, and joining the fleet system, which is used for mining, and the higher the total experience value, the more rewards the mininggain.


Blind box card bag
There are three types of blind box card packs.Different types of blind box cards have different prices, and NFT cards with different rarity.

Low-level blind box
Blind box priced at 2.0E + 72 HBIC;
Gray probability: 94%, purple probability: 5%, black probability: 1%;

Intermediate blind box
Blind box priced at 2.0E + 73 HBIC;
Purple probability: 95%, black probability: 5%;

Advanced blind box
Blind box priced at 2.0E + 74 HBIC;
Purple probability: 20%, black probability: 80%;


NFT card
NFT card is NFT Token, card rarity is divided into 5 levels expressed by different colors, each level of rarity corresponds to different experience value, a total of 30 kinds of character material each card has a unique number, can be queried by the number.Players can use cards to upgrade their rarity, combine mining, remove HBIC digital passes, upgrade their card slot experience values, etc.Players can purchase the desired NFT cards through the blind box card package opening, card upgrade, or trade fairs.NFT cards support players to trade autonomously at the trading fair.


Card rarity
The higher the price of the blind box, the higher the quality of the character NFT issued.The higher the character, the rarer the less, the higher the soul ring, and the higher the DeFi privilege.Gold level characters are the most rare, then decline in turn, gold, red, red and purple gray rarity decreases in sequence, the number increases in sequence.Players can upgrade using multiple of the same cards to the next rare card.The highest level can be upgraded to the gold card.

Its feature is holding HBIC dividend FIL currency, HBIC and FIL ecological strong alliance.HBIC will inject effective computing power into the FIL ecology, while FIL will provide technical services to make the computing power DeFi, lowering the storage threshold.The two sides join hands to integrate resources in their respective fields and enable the rapid development of FIL computing power ecology.

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